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Application Setup

You will email your answers to the questions to [email protected] and I will email you back saying if your excepted.



1.How old are you?
2.How long have you played airsoft
3.How much do you know about airsoft?
4.Do you live in San Diego, California?
5.How much would you go airsofting with the team?
6.Have you been paintballing before?
7.What role would you like to play (medic, rifleman, don't care, etc.)?
8.List all the guns you have (if you don't have any that's okay. We have some extra.).
9.Do you know anybody personally on the team?
9.5(optional).If so, who.
10.How did you find out about the team.
11.If you didn't know the person on the team, what gun did they have?
12.What camo do you have (doesn't matter, just nice to know.)
13.Write a brief summary on why you want to be on the team.